Lost: A Moment in Fashion History
It’s May, and spring is in the air. The flowers are blooming, fashionistas are waiting for fall collections to be released, and April’s Vogue Cover of Kim and Kanye is being used for mulch. Now that April showers have subsided and we’re all in a better mood, lets discuss what was lost in fashion’s most recent controversial moment.
What happened? Kim wanted to be on the cover of Vogue magazine, what girl doesn’t. For crying out loud Sarah Jessica Parker has been on more Vogue covers than she has been on any tabloid magazines. Whereas Kim has been on every tabloid cover countless times, but never Vogue. “There, there little Kim, one day.” Well the day has come and gone with little fan fare according to VP of Mag Net Data, which uses scan data from wholesalers that cover about 98 percent of the market, says the numbers are lower than anticipated.
A reality star on the cover of Vogue, “NO” the Calvary claimed!!!
I have my reasons why I think Kim should have never been on the cover of Vogue, but I am not a gossip blogger. Therefore, like all good PR agents “no comment.”
Moving forward. What we lost. Kim’s Vogue cover had to do with more than her being a reality star occupying fashion’s most coveted real estate. The bigger moment was Kanye!! An African-American man on the cover of one of fashions biggest magazines—gasp!!
Never has a man graced the cover of American Vogue magazine, yet Kanye stands lovingly behind his fame-obsessed soon-to-be bride to showcase his power, connections, and passion to the world. Say what you will, and you will, but Kanye has made a real name for himself. Not only in music, but fashion. His influence is boundless. He’s stayed relevant, controversial, and creative, as his predecessors have drifted away. In fashion he has been able to put brands on the map. Influencing media’s vast hip-hop world community—its not East Coast West Coast anymore. He’s fliped hip-hop uniforms into chic standards.
As a fashion lover, I feel that a moment in fashion history is lost. Due to the fact an over exposed wannabe took the spot light. In years to come The Kim K Klan will be forgotten, as she will glisten into the sunset with her beautiful children. I am not a Kanye follower either, I just watch fashion, and it strikes me when something this amazing happens and we forget to stop and watch. I think the noise in fashion has become too loud. Too many celebrities grace magazines. Too many designers selling out capsule collections with middle road brands, although keep doing them; I love the connection and price. Too many wannabe fashionistas claiming style status for front row seats. What I want is a moment to say, “Ah… did that really happen.”
These photographs will become an iconic staple in our history as a fashion community and society. When we look back, we won’t see Kim K reality star. We will see Kanye, man of the hour in Vogue magazine, holding the women he loves, to give her a dream that was untouchable. “Now I ain’t sayin’ she’s a gold digger, but she ain’t messin’ with no broke #$#$#$” –Kanye