Crisis Averted
I can’t say Spring/Summer is one of my favourite fashion seasons. I envy all those light airy people cycling the seawall, playing volleyball at the beach, and sauntering down sideways in light tee’s and cut off shorts–WTF. I am hot, I hate everything in my closet, and I can’t wear layers, I am in consent denial.

In my Givenchy post, last week, I hinted that sometimes I feel lost in my clothing decisions. I felt in a bit of a crisis, as I am watching all these great colourful clothes for Spring. What the hell I am going to wear. Givenchy had some nice ideas, and I have become a great fan. However in my denial of Spring, and of course always shopping a season ahead, boots for Fall entered my mind all weekend.

Therefore, like any fashionista, I was up till 5am scouting every website to find a good pre-season deal. I didn’t find any boots, but what I did run across was some amazing stuff from Rick Owens Spring/Summer 2012. My friend in NY is always wearing his clothes, but I never felt compelled to wear Rick Owens myself. My friend is super creative and works magic with a make-up brush, so I leave creative identity to him. However, Rick has won me over.

These gender bending creations summed a time of breakout expression. Leading my critical thought, Madonna “What it feels like for a Girl.” The concept of men in female garments, has been done to death in the nineties, but Owens has made if feel masculine and contemporary. The looks are strong and confident with no apology–I like that.

Fashion’s new direction of deconstructing rules, has built a new construction of male identity. As to not make my post so designer driven, I am posting some street style photos to bridge fashion creativity and street reality, based on Rick Owens Spring/Summer 2012 collection.

*side note: please click LIKE on my Facebook link, if you like, and follow on twitter for updates.
Muse Closet.