“Let’s Here It For The Boys”

Why was I reading the sports page of my newspaper everyday during fashion week, well let’s see, could it be the amazing Jeremy Lin? Yes! During Fashion week one man trumped all fashion show coverage, Jeremy Lin. He was on every television screen, newspaper, and media outlet. The tall, handsome, famous New York Knicks player, and Harvard grad is on everyone’s mind now. The details of his story are vague to me, as I know nothing about sports, but his image was seared into my mind in a New York minute.

Therefore, as the great saying goes, “if your can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” The main focus of Fashion Week is women’s wear. The men’s collections show earlier, and are fairly quiet. My first New York street fashion post was all about the lovely women. However, men are also not afraid to turn things out, I have complained a collection of amazing men’s street fashion—I am an equal opportunist.

Added to this story is New York’s finest. During Fashion Week, the New York police department stand with a smile on their face. I captured these two wonderful officers while I was rushing into the shows. There are many other faces behind fashion week that keep things running smoothly, but I have to say the New York police department was front line everyday.

These are some of the attendees that kept Fashion Week just as exciting as all the beautiful women and collections.

For my male audience, I hope that these men give you courage to step away from your comfort zone, and explore a new side of yourself. Fashion is a place to explore different personalities, who knows, you might like what come out!