Top Five Fashionable Asian Celebrities
A few months ago, I wrote a paper about Asian men and North Americans cinematic depiction of Asian male sexuality–yes boring. Therefore, I thought I would do something more fun to dispel this myth. This week, while watching Real Steel, I was taken aback by Asian male actor, Karl Yune, who was so stylish. However, he barely spoke, he just looked hot!! I looked him up, and I was shocked to discover that his brother is my adolescent dream man, Asian American actor, Rick Yune–I still hate Lisa Ling for dating him.

When magazines release their “Hunk List” of male actors and singers, it is always a group of typical North American men, so I thought I would create my list of hot, stylish, Asian male actors and performers.
First on my list, of course, is singer and performer, Taeyang. He came into the North American spotlight with his hit song, Wedding Dress–I hope it’s Vera. I know I bought mine. Korean stars always have a very trendy look, but Taeyang seems to push the edge of the envelope, it could also be that I am blinded by his smoldering eyes.

Next, Harry Shum Jr. from television show Glee. I don’t know if I consider him stylish, but he is hot, so let’s go with that. He can dance, so we know he has rhythm, he can “act-ish”, so we know he’s not that good at faking it, and he has great abs, okay all criteria complete; style stamp of approval. If you don’t agree with me, this information may give him a boost. In an online poll by UCLA of “heterosexual men,” Shum was voted most likely for straight men to go “gay” with. Therefore, according to Sex and The City character, Samantha Jones, first the gays–me, then the girls, and then industry follows. I guess Shum has a big career ahead of him by that logic?

Third on my list is 19-year-old, actor musician Ezra Miller. He was a new find for me. His style is what I love about being young: playful, corky, and unapologetic. I hate watching red carpets, it’s always the same perfect dress, so I love to find a twist, and Miller is it.

The number four, in Asian culture, is considered bad luck because, of its connection to death, but to me death is a new beginning. Which brings be to the birth of my fourth fashionable Asian male, HUNK Paolo Roldan. I have watched this gorgeous man for a couple of years now, and I am embarrassed to admit, I learned his name today. I guess when you’re lusting, you forget to ask names. He captured my attention because he is on every major fashion runway for men. Second blunder on my part, he’s Canadian and from Toronto. Here on the West Coast we’ve been preoccupied with Taiwanese-Canadian model, Godfrey Gao, he’s from our side. Alas, while Godfrey was taking up our time, Toronto was producing Paolo.

Last but not least, is the most fashionable Asian male celebrity. He is the reason Asian actors have a voice in North America, and you guessed it, Bruce Lee. When I was designing clothes in middle school, I would pull out his movies for inspiration. Always fluid with his moves, Lee’s style is effortless. He is way before my time, but ahead of the pack. To me, his style is classic Asian celebrity. No one did shirtless like him!!!

Don’t agree with my top five. Send me your comments and add your list below. I will do another review later,and who knows, maybe your pick will hit my next list.