Ms. Wintour
Dear Anna,
After years of trying to write you a letter, I thought I would put one on my blog. After watching you on the Colbert Report (Wednesday, May 9, 2012), I love you. Not only did you match wits with Stephen, you slammed his style, while supporting gay marriage. A proven professional, you never miss a beat.

What I love about Ms. Wintour is that her style is always consistent. Her signature bob haircut has become timeless, while her mid-calf length skirts, dresses, and… I don’t think I’ve seen her in pants? Her style has become synonymous with elegance, I confess: calf-length is my favourite skirt length.

Anna is one of the few magazine editors that has become, not only famous for her style and attitude, but like Simon Cowell, she has made mean cool–well, only when you know what you’re talking about. You have to love a women who knows how to state her opinion looking fabulous!

To be on top for over 20 years, takes not only guts, or a lust for power, but true love and passion. Anna has taken the fashion world and combined it with American spending power, which has turned American Vogue into the Bible of style. Not always the most ground breaking in editorial photography, Vogue is relatable to everyone. For me, a magazine can only dominate when it is based on replication, therefore a look can be achieved by the viewer. A great example is what I call mall pop-stars. Any major artist who breaks into the pop scene must have a look that can be bought at any local mall–Britney and Madonna’s debut albums. This is what creates relatable fashion and followers.

Vogue may give the most high-end look, but it is one that is achieved on many levels, from major fashion designers to Zara, looks can be repeated by way of emulation. This accessibility, I believe, is what has kept Wintour on top. You may not like her method or attitude, but you have to respect her dedication to fashion.