Snap Shot
With my past four years stuck in University, I have been out of the fashion loop. With months to go in my degree, I have been thinking about my future. I still love fashion, and I wanted to get back to my first love, hence my blog. This year at NYFW, I feel in love with some amazing people, and I am embarrassed to say I didn’t know whom everyone was sitting in front row, or the people rushing around Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Venue. I still took snap shots because I felt the presence of their greatness, so I wasn’t a complete moron. Research is a University student’s best friend—I do not my want parent’s money go to waste. Therefore, like any good student I hit the books—well, web.
First unknown, known, found at The Standard Hotel, a must see venue in the Meat Packing District, yes where Samantha got her groove on. I was covering an accessory presentation, but being my fifth day into fashion week, and my sixth show of the day, and two more to go, needless to say, I was exhausted. I entered the venue and I got straight to work, taking pictures and gathering material for my blog. My wonderful partner in crime, Nima, who handled all the video production, kept me in line with interviewing designers and crowd goers when I was too tired to care. Unfortunately, he was just as tired, as I was, by this point, and we didn’t want to wait in the long media line for a designer interview. We did collect some amazing shots and video of the collection, as we packed up our things, I spotted this amazing woman on my way out—I had to stop. I told Nima, “Grab the video camera we have to interview this amazing women;” I needed to know everything about her. I approached her and asked her for an interview, and in a Southern twang, she declined, claiming her mouth always gets her in trouble. I asked her for a quick snap shot, and she was more than accommodating. I took my shot, but I was not happy with my photo, and I didn’t want to bug her for another, so I didn’t use her photo in my original street fashion post—glad I didn’t. With a bit of hunting I found out that this amazing women, Kate Lanphear is the style director for Elle USA. My snapshot does not do her justice, but you can check out some of the amazing blogs dedicated to her style:
My next unknown, known, was found lounging at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week venue. Resting with her friend, this tulle drenched style maven, commented that she loved sitting around, as passerby’s complimented her all day, I could see why, her style is flawless. This fashionista, Lynn Yeager, is contributing fashion editor at Vogue and The New York Times.
My last unknown, known, flabbergasted me. Normally I am not shy to ask for photos, but he was one of the most amazing men I had seen in a long time. I had one of those moments where you know you’ve seen someone before, but you’re not sure where. This striking man, who is a model, was on almost every street style blog I looked at, Shaun Ross is amazing. His sweetheart personality made him even more beautiful in person. Even with my bad photography skills his angelic personality shines. He has done a video with Katy Perry and modeled for every “it” designer.
Next season I will be up-to-speed about who’s who. I hope I was able to introduce you to some amazing people who I found during my fashion journey. Here are some more shots of cool fashion goers I found. Please stay turned for some great street style interviews coming soon.